Friday, February 25, 2011


yorkshire, england.
i had a dream last night that i was in europe and this photo looks exactly like the dream!!! the colors are so vibrant!!
anyway, have a wonderful weekend.
do something spontaneous!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

just lovely

when it snows

my friend and i went to the beach last week. we left as soon as it started snowing in nashville. as you can see, it was coming down fast! it is a 7 hour drive to rosemary beach but it took us 12 hours. dang snow. we had a blast though and laughed a lot!! but when we did arrive at our well hungered for destination at 4am, we were ready to rest....
and so we did.....

the most comfortable bed you'll ever sleep in.

rosemary's lil town.


alys beach.

it wasn't summer by any means but our faces were kissed by the sun and we left refreshed, rested, and feeling blessed to be alive!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

young and restless

i received an email the other day from my dad. in this email there were photos of my parents tan as can be and chillin' on the beach in their 1980's looking bathing suits. i couldn't get the photos to load for some reason so i decided to find other photos of my parents.....young, full of energy, infused with plenty of vitamin d, 27 and living life, and in love......

(my dad is the second one on the left)


(my faces are definitely from this woman right here)

(my dad is the one laying on the floor. they posed exactly like the band chicago)

(they called her "legs")

my sweet parents.
27 and in love.