Friday, October 23, 2009


i wouldn't call myself a writer and if you ask, most of my friends will say i talk mostly by using my hands.  i think that is why i danced for so long..... i was able to express ME where words could not.  even though i am not the best at the grammar thing, i will not let that keep me back from doing what i enjoy....and part of this enjoyment IS writing!
anyway, here are two poems i found in an older journal:
i remember where i was when writing both of these poems.  i was in a plane (as you will be able to tell) in this first one and i remember it being very warm....

Beneath me an enormous white velvet blanket covers earth; a small ball in the mist of the universe and its undiscovered territorries.
The Creator of the small beautiful and delicate rose is the same Creator of the vast sky that I look out upon and its broad sea of pure white puffy clouds.
The sun is radiant in all its glory. Strobes of light beam down upon the planes wing and creeps in through the small mouse-like window.
Warmth consumes my face.
I am at peace.
I am in love.
A smile of excitement inhabits my inner-most being and it rises and rises and rises.......until it reaches my lips.
My heart dances.
My Lover has captivated my soul.

this next poem makes me a little home sick...i was on my parent's front porch.  it was cold.  i had a blanket to cover myself as i sat on the white rocking chair and wrote....


Hearing an orchastra of crickets.
Lightning bugs dance in the darkness.
Shadows on the ground.
Trees stand tall and are sketched against the blackened sky.
The owls......hoo.....
Be quiet now.
Night is our lullaby.
Listen and sleep.....

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